Exfoliants & Stylelist

If you haven’t checked out Stylelist, I highly recommend it. I’m more of a beauty than fashion gal, but they really have something for everyone (unless you hate fashion and beauty, which is simply contemptible and sad).

Stylelist recently posted a fantastic article (with a slideshow!) on finding the right exfoliant for your skin type. Like Female Chaplin, Stylelist emphasizes finding products that are “right for “you”:  e.g. your skin, hair, etc.

The article features some great lines like Aesop, Fresh, Alba Botanica, and, my favorite, Tatcha (which I will be posting about very, very soon!). I wouldn’t, however, limit Tatcha’s exfoliant to being best for “mature” skin. They have 3 different versions of their Rice Enzyme Powders that would likely cover all your bases.  And it feels awesome (can you handle the anticipation for my post? I obviously can’t since I’m starting to write it here!).

But in the meantime, check out Stylelist’s article and find the right one for you.